On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 04:56:53PM -0400, Barry Arndt wrote:
> We would like to rename the JFS utilities for

Hi I don't know if there is something in Linux Standard Base about this, in
wich case I think it would be the right direction

> consistency and to have more meaningful names.



> fsck.jfs => jfs_fsck
> (a hard link will be created for fsck.jfs)

agapito:/tape# locate fsck. | grep bin
/sbin/fsck.nfs <- plese note, that even nfs has a fsck for real consistency

> mkfs.jfs => jfs_mkfs
> (a hard link will be created for mkfs.jfs)

agapito:/tape# locate mkfs. | grep bin


That's what I would say consistency



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