Dear JFS developers,

this morning I found my machine inaccessable again. The reason was
once again JFS, it seems. The logs recorded the assert below, which
I also put through ksymoops.
At that time there seem to have been several mail incoming to
another machine which filtered several of these mails into file in
my homedir which is on JFS and mounted over NFS. One of the files
with mails was deleted at the diskcheck after bootup.

I am running kernel-2.4.20-pre10 (which also has JFS fixes for NFS)
and jfsutils-1.0.21. I cannot provide more info at the moment, but
perhaps it helps to fix the problem if it not already is.


Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: kernel BUG at jfs_txnmgr.c:2330!
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: invalid operand: 0000
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: CPU:    0
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: EIP:    0010:[<d084299f>]    Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: eax: 000000a1   ebx: c5edabc0   ecx: 00000002   edx: 
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: esi: d084ff00   edi: d085b6fc   ebp: 00000000   esp: 
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: Process jfsCommit (pid: 43, stackpage=cf7b5000)
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: Stack: d08492d7 d08498c0 cf7b4000 d084ff00 cf7b4000 
00000001 00000000 00000040
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel:        cf90f9a0 c023c080 00000004 cf7b4000 00000002 
d08431fa d084ff00 cf7b4000
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel:        00000246 d0843409 d084ff00 00000f00 cf8fbf10 
00000000 00027ab0 cf7b5fe0
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: Call Trace:    [<d08492d7>] [<d08498c0>] [<d08431fa>] 
[<d0843409>] [<c0105684>]
Nov 21 09:00:01 machine kernel: Code: 0f 0b 1a 09 e3 92 84 d0 83 c4 08 8b 83 20 01 00 
00 f0 0f ba

>>EIP; d084299f <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1e3/2d0>   <=====
Trace; d08492d7 <[jfs].rodata.start+3797/4371>
Trace; d08498c0 <[jfs].rodata.start+3d80/4371>
Trace; d08431fa <[jfs]txLazyCommit+56/f8>
Trace; d0843409 <[jfs]jfs_lazycommit+16d/224>
Trace; c0105684 <kernel_thread+28/38>
Code;  d084299f <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1e3/2d0>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  d084299f <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1e3/2d0>   <=====
   0:   0f 0b                     ud2a      <=====
Code;  d08429a1 <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1e5/2d0>
   2:   1a 09                     sbb    (%ecx),%cl
Code;  d08429a3 <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1e7/2d0>
   4:   e3 92                     jecxz  ffffff98 <_EIP+0xffffff98> d0842937 
Code;  d08429a5 <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1e9/2d0>
   6:   84 d0                     test   %dl,%al
Code;  d08429a7 <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1eb/2d0>
   8:   83 c4 08                  add    $0x8,%esp
Code;  d08429aa <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1ee/2d0>
   b:   8b 83 20 01 00 00         mov    0x120(%ebx),%eax
Code;  d08429b0 <[jfs]txUpdateMap+1f4/2d0>
  11:   f0 0f ba                  lock (bad)

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