On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 01:56:27AM +0900, Masaki Chikama wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a problem about JFS on alpha architecture.
> When I do mkfs.jfs to very large disk, it stops with the following
> message.
>  mkfs.jfs version 1.0.24, 18-Oct-2002
>  Partition must be at least 16 megabytes.
> The target disk's(sdf1) capacity is about 1.3TB.
> Is this a known problem? And is there any workaround?
> The kernel version is 2.4.20, and boot message about the disk is here.
>  sym53c895-2-<2,*>: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s (25.0 ns, offset 31)
>  SCSI device sdf: -1641267200 512-byte hdwr sectors (259183 MB)
>   sdf: sdf1
> Need more information? Please say.

Currently the sd driver is busted for > 1TB filesystems.  There was a patch
posted on lkml to fix it.

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