I just upgraded to kernel-2.4.18-19 from redhat and when
I rebooted my jfs partition died.
I restored a backup in another drive but I'd want to
bring back some last minute data.

When I first booted with the new kernel, fsck told me
the jfs partition had errors and it booted single user.
Then I thought it was because the jfs module wasn't
loaded. So I modprobed jfs and mounted it right.
Then I compiled the kernel with jfs and rebooted.

This reboot never finished trying to unmount local
filesystems. Some hours later I did a reset and never
could get the JFS partition back.

I searched with google and found there were some
jfs problems with 1.0.12, but I think I have 1.0.17.

I tried some options from the fsck.jfs man page, like
-p ,n and -o with the same results:

# fsck.jfs /dev/hdc1
fsck.jfs version 1.0.17, 02-Apr-2002
The current device is:  /dev/hdc1
Superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired because
both primary and secondary copies are corrupt.


  Linux version 2.4.18-18.7.xcustom

What can I do now to rescue this partition ?
thank you very much.

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