Hello all,

as reported earlier on this mailinglist I had problems
mounting an JFS partition - it failed to mount when
connected to an external device.

Meanwhile I managed to make the problem reproduce & fixable:
mounting the JFS partition fails when the partition's journal
was not already replayed by fsck.

here the related lines from /etc/fstab
#/dev/hdg1      /mnt/sda1       jfs     defaults                1 2
#/dev/hdg2      /mnt/sda2       jfs     defaults                1 2
/dev/sda1       /mnt/sda1       jfs     defaults,noauto         0 0
/dev/sda2       /mnt/sda2       jfs     defaults,noauto         0 0

Note: I'm using an external IDE-Firewire bridge, so it's an SCSI-device
to be mounted - anyway the IDE-HD is still the same.
It's obvious that the on-boot scanning and error-attempt values have to
be zero for an externally connected device that may be plugged in
at any time - but it's not that obvious that an explicit journal replay is
required prior to beeing able to mount the device.

Best Regards

Linux l1 2.4.20

l1:/mnt # mount /dev/sda1
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, or too many mounted 
file systems

l1:/mnt # mount /dev/sda2
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, or too many mounted 
file systems

l1:/mnt # fsck.jfs /dev/sda1
fsck.jfs version 1.1.1, 17-Dec-2002
The current device is:  /dev/sda1
Block size in bytes:  4096
File system size in blocks:  3072423
Phase 0 - Replay Journal Log
File system is clean.

l1:/mnt # fsck.jfs /dev/sda2
fsck.jfs version 1.1.1, 17-Dec-2002
The current device is:  /dev/sda2
Block size in bytes:  4096
File system size in blocks:  17030908
Phase 0 - Replay Journal Log
File system is clean.

l1:/mnt # mount /dev/sda1
l1:/mnt # mount /dev/sda2
l1:/mnt # 

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