
I am using JFS with 2.4.20 on debian, running on a PowerMac clone.  The
kernel is debian's 2.4.20-4-powerpc.  Is there a way to for me to get an
idea about what version of JFS kernel code I am actually running without
source code to my kernel?  I ran strings and nm on the JFS kernel module, and
didn't see anything helpful..

I can not seem to find the source package diffs for 2.4.20-4 (the -powerpc
diffs are seperate and appear to do nothing related to any filesystem code.)

Anyway, the messages I saw are here:


All of the 'jfs_clear_inode, active_ag = ' messages appeared when I
was doing something along the lines of this:

 /jfs_partition/path/blah# tar cvf - /etc /lib /usr/lib /bin /sbin /usr/sbin
 /usr/X11R6 /usr/bin | tar xf -

The sources of the copy were all on ext3.  (I was trying to copy a bunch
of stuff to use in a chroot, to test 'prelink' out.)  A lot of files
with the same names existed in the target path, so tar would have been
doing some unlink()ing..

After seeing the huge amount of kernel messages, I suspended tar and
tried searching for the message in google..  Then I stopped tar,
unmounted the partition, at which point the 'dbUnmount' messages
appeared, and ran jfs_fsck with -n -v, which reported no errors
(output is at the end of the message).

What do these kernel messages mean?  Is this something I should be
concerned about?  For the time being I am leaving the partition unmounted ...



# fsck -n -v /dev/hdf3
fsck 1.35-WIP (21-Aug-2003)
fsck.jfs version 1.1.2, 25-Mar-2003
The current device is:  /dev/hdf3
(chklog) FSCK  Open(...READONLY...) returned rc = 0
(chklog) FSCK  Primary superblock is valid.
(chklog) FSCK  The type of file system for the device is JFS.
Block size in bytes:  4096
File system size in blocks:  4363777
Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and Directory Entries.
Phase 2 - Count Links.
Phase 3 - Rescan for Duplicate Blocks and Verify Directory Tree.
Phase 4 - Report Problems.
Phase 5 - Check Connectivity.
Phase 6 - Perform Approved Corrections.
Phase 7 - Verify File/Directory Allocation Maps.
Phase 8 - Verify Disk Allocation Maps.
(chklog) FSCK  Filesystem Summary:
(chklog) FSCK    Blocks in use for inodes:  2528
(chklog) FSCK    Inode count:  20224
(chklog) FSCK    File count:  13057
(chklog) FSCK    Directory count:  1187
(chklog) FSCK    Block count:  4363777
(chklog) FSCK    Block count:  4363777
(chklog) FSCK    Free block count:  174160
(chklog)  17455108 kilobytes total disk space.
(chklog)      3485 kilobytes in 1187 directories.
(chklog)  16715988 kilobytes in 13057 user files.
(chklog)         0 kilobytes in extended attributes
(chklog)         0 kilobytes in access control lists
(chklog)     45965 kilobytes reserved for system use.
(chklog)    696640 kilobytes are available for use.
File system checked READ ONLY.
File system is clean.
(chklog) FSCK  processing terminated:  11/14/2003 23.48.59  with return
code: 0  exit code: 0.

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