Hi, Monica and all.  Unfortunately, JFW at this time will not work using the
control-alt-delete commands.  However, while JFW is still working, try going
to your start-up group under programs.  Some of these programs like the
Norton Antivirus Scheduler, and the Winfax Controller run in this start-up
group.  If the programs are running in the systray you can close them down
by right-clicking on the icons themselves.  If the insert-grave command will
read them, try going to the icons themselves and using the start key on the
number pad or the application key on a windows 95 keyboard to hear the
context menu for the given icon. Hopefully if you can bring this up, one of
them will allow you to shut down the applications running in the systray.

=Beth Hatch-Alleyne=
Justice Means Not Just Us.
-----Original Message-----
From: Monica Dzialo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: acan disk and defrag again

>Hello Jed, How are you doing.  Its Monica.  I hope the below
>information will help you with your defrag and scan disk
>Do you have someone sighted with you who can see the screen?
>I ask you this because if you do shut down JFW.  Meaning
>absolutely nothing is open.  Sometimes even though all windows
>or programs may be apparantly closed, they may be actually
>running in the background.  Windows sometimes places icons
>on the right hand edge of the tool bar next to the clock.
>It is important that these be removed or shut down before
>starting scan disk or defrag.  If you right click on these
>icons, you might maybe able to remove them for good, or at
>least shut down that particular program.  If you remove the icon
>you can still start those programs by going to the start menu
>then into programs and start the programs that way.  This will
>make scan disk and defrag run faster with fewer interruptions.
>If while running scan disk you get the message that scan disk
>has started and stopped a number of times because other
>programs are running, usually there is an option that you can
>select so that you will not receive that warning again.  If you
>choose this, scan disk should run to completion without further
>interruptions.  This may also be available for defrag.
>If you restart the computer in MSDOS mode sometimes you can run
>scan disk by typing in scandisk (one word not two).  I do not
>think this is available for defrag.    Good luck and hope it
>helps.  It sounds like those short cuts or icons are giving you
>the problems.  Talk with you later.  Monica
>Monica  :-)
>Visit the jfw ml web page: http://jfw.cjb.net

Visit the jfw ml web page: http://jfw.cjb.net

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