Getting following error
All child components must define element names for 
flexible='true';<Body> <Records>2</Records> <Indicator>A</Indicator> <ByOrAgainst>B</ByOrAgainst> //Unknow
 elements <Trade> <!-- Multiple 
-->  <Version>1</Version>  <BuySell>SELL</BuySell>  <Type>COMM</Type>  <SettlementDate>20100114</SettlementDate>  //Unknow
elements  <Party>   <Type>xxx</Type>   <Value>xxxx</Value>   //Unknow
 elements   <Name>xxx xxx xxx xxx</Name><!-- 
Multiple -->   <Name>xxx xxx 
xxx</Name>  </Party> </Trade></Body>
<structure name="Body" ordered="false" flexible="true"> <value 
name="Records" field="records" /> <value name="Indicator" 
field="indicator" usage="optional" /> <value name="ByOrAgainst" 
field="byOrAgainst" /> <collection field="trade" 
usage="optional">  <structure name="Trade" 
type="com.bean.Trade" usage="optional"   flexible="true" 
ordered="false" allow-repeats="true">   <value 
name="Version" field="version" />   <value name="BuySell" 
field="buySell" />   <value name="Type" field="type" 
/>   <value name="SettlementDate" field="settlementDate" 
/>   <structure name="Party" field="party" 
type="com.bean.Party"    flexible="true" 
ordered="false">    <value name="Type" field="Type" 
/>    <value name="Value" field="Value" 
/>    <collection field="name" 
usage="optional">     <value name="Name" 
type="java.lang.String"      usage="optional" 
/>    </collection><!-- End of Party-name 
-->   </structure><!-- End of Party 
-->  </structure> </collection><!-- End of 
Trade --></structure><!--End Body-->
Any help is highly 
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