Hi Ahu,

I don't understand your problem based on this email - can you provide 
more details on what is going wrong?


- Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
XML and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Ahu Evni (Garanti Teknoloji) wrote:
> Hello,
> I am developing a project which has 2 wsdl files, generated by Axis2 
> 1.3, using jibx in it.
> I seperated the binding.xml's for both wsdls. But the package name in 
> the seperated xmls are the same.
> I wonder if there is a way to identify the package name in each binding's.
> Here are the seperated xml files:
> _spbinding.xml:_
> <binding name=/"spbinding"/ *package=/"com.aa.bb.exception"/* 
> force-classes=/"true"/>
> <include path=/"IWSSPServicesWSBinding.xml"//>
> <include path=/"bluefishBinding.xml"//>
> </binding>
> _binding.xml:_
> <binding name=/"binding"/ *package=/"com.aa.bb.exception"/* 
> force-classes=/"true"/>
> <include path=/"IWSMNOServicesWSBinding.xml"//>
> <include path=/"bluefishBinding.xml"//>
> </binding>
> Ahu Eryürük Evni
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