Yes, yet another thread about flexibility with collections.  To start, I have 
read the other threads and seen the currently accepted work-arounds.  But I'll 
give a little background first.  I'm working with extremely large schemas (two 
of them) and generating java interfaces via SDO.  There is then custom code 
that builds the impl classes for the interfaces and generates the binding file 
at the same time.  After this, the <bind> ant task is used to compile the 
bindings during our build process.

So now, I'm tasked with adding flexibility to the schema handling and run into 
the (perhaps infamous) flexible collections hangup.  I do need to provide 
marshalling and unmarshalling, so in order to use the allow-repeats="true" 
trick, I have to separate the binding file into direction="input" and 
direction="output" files, or so my current understanding leads me to believe.

Problem #1, this library is used by a lot of applications, most of which also 
use a separate library to handle the boilerplate marshalling and unmarshalling 
code, but not all.  Therein lies the problem.  I can't see any way around 
having to give the name for the binding files when getting the 
MarshallingContext even though there's is only one for an input and one for an 
output.  I feel like jibx should know this already, but I understand why it 
doesn't.  So, short of just biting the bullet and breaking the library for 
those that do not use the boilerplate library that I can actually update, I'm 
at a loss for how to handle this.  Is there a way to specify a default binding 
implementation when the single-argument version of createMarshallingContext( 
class ) is called?  If that were possible, I could just define a rigid 
(non-flexible) as the default and those consumers simply wouldn't get the added 

Problem #2, the schemas change, a lot.  Sometimes upwards of 2-3 times per 
month.  This is why we wrote code-gen for the classes and binding files 
themselves originally.  There would have to be from 30-40 custom 
unmarshallers/marshallers to handle each structure that contains collections 
that we need to make flexible as of today.  You can see how this option has the 
potential to be rather unwieldy for maintenance and thus isn't the preferred 

Are there any options I'm overlooking for accomplishing this?  We're currently 
using 1.1.5, but are probably going to update to 1.2.2 if it helps us along in 
this regard.
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