Hi Matthias

You should be able to work with different bindings in this way. BindingDirectory.getFactory() allows you to explicitly name the binding you wish to use [1].

If you're using an web service framework, you'll need to determine whether the framework allows you to specify the binding name.

In JiBX/WS, the binding factory can be set explicitly on the client [2], or configured through the service definition [3] or via Spring [4] on the server.


PS. I'm hoping to get JiBX/WS 0.9.1 out soon. It contains a couple of bug fixes, and improved out-of-the-box experience.

[1] http://jibx.sourceforge.net/api/org/jibx/runtime/BindingDirectory.html
[2] http://jibx.sourceforge.net/jibxws/api/org/jibx/ws/soap/client/SoapClient.html#SoapClient%28java.lang.String,%20org.jibx.runtime.IBindingFactory%29
[3] http://jibx.sourceforge.net/jibxws/service-def.html#jibx-binding
[4] http://jibx.sourceforge.net/jibxws/api/org/jibx/ws/server/ServiceDefinition.html#setBindingFactory%28org.jibx.runtime.IBindingFactory%29

Matthias Poell wrote:

I'm currently trying to analyse available binding frameworks including JiBX for a very specific requirement which we would like to meet, but no framework so far is capable of.

Long story short, we have multiple webservices, some of them use the same return class but we would like to strip (depending on the service) some information from that class. So lets say we have some services that return the same object "Person" which holds the persons data, including a credit card number. Now some services should not return a soap message including that credit card number, and also not an "empty" credit card number element.

Normally we would just adjust the class structure, but thats a no go in this project. We have to use existing classes & they should not be changed.

So my question is - is there a way to achieve that with JiBX? I read that it is possible on the inbound side what what about the outbound side? (I get that it might not be easy to achieve, because after all, both services returing the same class...so how should jibx know the difference..., but nevertheless...asking is free ;)).

 - Matthias

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