I've set up new sub project of the JiBX-OTA project:

This project creates a library of modules that are bound to the opentravel
schema (A huge schema library for the travel industry).

Each module handles a product area (hotel, air, etc). The module deployment
is handled by maven, so only the dependent modules are included. For
example, if you are using the hotel schema, the hotel, profile, air,
vehicle, and base code (jars) will be added to your war file).

The 'on-demand' class loading is handled by osgi. For example, the profile
part of the schema would not be loaded unless it is used.

This project seems to work. If you want to give it a quick try, type these 3
maven command to create, build, and run a sample program:

This project was a proof of concept. It seems to work. If you use the
opentravel schema, give it a try and send me your suggestions.


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