
I'm trying to map an XML subtree into one single String that contains the
uninterpreted XML content of the subtree.

E.g. if I have an XML file like this:

       <a attr="true"/>
         <c>some text</c>

and I have a Java object SomeElement like this:

public class SomeElement {

   private String complexStuff;

   // getter and setter for complexStuff


When unmarshalling the XML I want the variable "complexStuff" to be set to
"<a attr=\"true\"/><b><c>some text<c/></b>"
And when marshalling the objects I want the content of the "complexStuff"
variable written out as it is to become a subtree of the XML document.

The reason for that is that the content of "complexStuff" is an XML segment
that shall not be further analyzed.

Is this kind of "partial" mapping possible with JiBX?

Thanks in advance,

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