
I have added this JIRA: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JIBX-390

Hope that is OK.


List:       jibx-users
Subject:    Re: [jibx-users] CodeGen - attribute default value
From:       Dennis Sosnoski <dms () sosnoski ! com>
Date:       2009-06-20 23:52:18
Message-ID: 4A3D7632.8080509 () sosnoski ! com
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Hi Alex,

Yes, the default="..." is currently ignored by the code generation from 
schema. It should be pretty easy to implement, and if you'll add a Jira 
to get this in the tracking system I'll make sure it's corrected for the 
1.2.2 release (now planned for early July).

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
XML and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Alexander Ziller wrote:
> Hello all
> I m trying to replace our prior XML binding framework JAXB with JiBX since
> it's WAY faster. I only have a few problems so far, most of them are easily
> solved. But no this one:
> When using CodeGen, could it be, that it ignores default values of
> attributes?
> Example:
>  * Schema fragment(s) for this class:
>  * <pre>
>  * ....
>  *     &lt;xs:attribute type="xs:string" default="true" name="enabled"/>
>  * ....
> The class gets initialized with start value NULL for the field "enabled"
> instead of TRUE. Is this a missing feature?
> I would have to rewrite half of our code because JAXB seems to recognize
> this feature and acts accordingly.
> Regards
> Alex
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