Suppose I have an XML structure <foo> mapped in binding #1 to class A and
this is used in some applications.

Now I have a new application which uses a new extended version of the
previous XML structure <foo2> that contains the same stuff as <foo> but also
allows a some additional elements, and I want to defined a new binding #2
that can <include> binding #1 to reuse the existing stuff and then add the
additional elements to the <foo2> XML structure.

It seems like this can work but only if the names "foo" and "foo2" are
different. This is because two mappings for the same class can't have the
same XML element name (because JiBX wouldn't know which one to use when

What would be nice is if this constraint were relaxed as follows: in the
case of any conflict, the importing file wins over the imported file (if
there's no import relationship, binding fails). Or, more generally there
could be an (implicit or explicit) priority parameter associated with each
mapping: for example, consider how XSL <import> statements automatically
affect template priorities.

This would allow the first application and the second application to both
use <foo> as the element name, and for binding #1 to be efficiently reused
by <include>'ing it.

The way it is now you have to separate out an abstract mapping for <foo>..
which you think would be OK, but it's not when <foo> is nested deeply inside
a bunch of other XML tags, because then you discover that you have to do
this recursively for all the containing structures as well, basically
duplicating the entire XML hierarchy and forcing abstract definitions for
every structure.

Is this change reasonable and/or feasible?


Archie L. Cobbs
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