Hi Dennis,

Thanks a lot for taking time to answer my question.

However I am still getting the problem As even after having style="cdata" 
in my binding file JIBX is escaping some characters.



<P ALIGN="left">Test String with other's and other stuff</P>

Actual Result

&lt;P ALIGN="left">Test String with other&pos;s and other stuff&lt;/P>

I had tried following steps

Made the change manually to the generated binding file and recreated the 
jar with the correct binding file.
Wrapped the text in <![CDATA[...]]> but it did not help as JIBX was 
escaping even CData's < to &lt;

Please advice how to correctly handle Cdata in this case.. Also any 
pointers to example code would be greatly appreciated.

We are evaluating it to be adopted across various projects within the 
organisation so it is very critical for us.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

Sowali Nishant Raj
Senior Java Developer

Dennis Sosnoski <d...@sosnoski.com>
19/11/2010 00:38
Re: [jibx-users] cdata Customization issue

There's currently no customization for this purpose, and considering that 
it's a pretty rare requirement it's probably not worth the trouble to add 
a customization. However, you should be able to use a simple XSLT to 
modify the generated binding definition to use style="cdata" for that 
particular field, and run the XSLT transform as part of your build process 
right after the binding is generated.

  - Dennis
Dennis M. Sosnoski
Java SOA and Web Services Consulting
Axis2/CXF/Metro SOA and Web Services Training
Web Services Jump-Start 

On 11/11/2010 12:34 AM, nishant....@hsbcib.com wrote: 

Hi All, 

I am using Jibx with Spring oxm. 

I am doing Schema to Java generation and using maven jibx plugin for the 
So all my Java classes and the binding files are generated by maven 
dynamically every time. 

This arrangement suits us as our xsd is quite dynamic due to nature of the 

The problem I am having is I want to classify a field as using CDATA so 
that it is not escaped by JIBX when generating the response. 

After searching I found that I could use style="cdata" in the binding 
However, I can not do that as my binding file is generated when I do the 
maven build. 

So I was wondering if there is any customization I could apply so that  in 
the generated binding file the style="cdata" in the value tag of the 
corresponding field. 

Please help me... Really stuck on this one... 

Thanks for your help and time... 


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