
While starting down the road of creating Java classes and a JiBX binding for
an RFC-specified XML format, it occurred to me that "there ought to be" an
open source library of pre-compiled JiBX bindings for some of the common
standardized XML formats out there.

Since I couldn't find one, I started a new project
jibx-bindings<http://code.google.com/p/jibx-bindings/>on Google Code.
Right now it only contains bindings for PIDF-LO (RFC 4119)
that I was playing with recently. But there are zillions of other XML
standards out there, and they all need JiBX bindings :-) Seems like a clear
opportunity for a shared, open source tool set.

If anyone is interested in joining this effort, let me know. If not, my
feelings won't be hurt as I've already accomplished what I needed for now.


Archie L. Cobbs
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