
I'm facing a problem with a web services provider that uses 
(incorrectly) 2 namespaces in its messages.
In a first service I receive something like
<a xmlns="uri1">
<b xmlns="uri2">

But in a second one I have
<aa xmlns="uri1">
<b xmlns=""> <!-- <= should be xmlns="uri2" -->

b element is defined in namespace "uri2" in the schema thus codegen 
generates the correct binding.
Of course when parsing the second response Jibx complains about the 
unknown b element.
The problem comes from the ws provider's response, but there is no 
chance to see it being corrected.

In xmlbeans, that I'm currently migrating from, I used a namespace 
substitution at parse time with
         Map<String, String> prefixes = new HashMap<String, String>();
         prefixes.put("", "uri2");

Does exist, in Jibx, something like setLoadSubstituteNamespaces ?

If not, by which customization can I handle such a case ?

Thank you for your help

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