
You need to remove the line in your pom.xml file that reads:


The JiBX binding tool must run AFTER the compile phase, not before. Removing
this line will run bind during the process-classes phase. If you copied this
from one of our examples, please send me the url, so I can fix it.

Also, please remove all the repository entries from your
settings.xml file. Our primary repository is now maven central. While you're
at it, change maven-jibx-plugin to the new jibx-maven-plugin

I could not reproduce the errors that you listed. I noticed that the maven
repository has been down several times in the last 18 hours.

Tell me if this works for you!


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 5:03 AM, TomazM <> wrote:

> I have the dependency problem:
> my pom:
> ...
> <plugin>
>  <groupId>org.jibx</groupId>
>  <artifactId>maven-jibx-plugin</artifactId>
>  <version>1.2.3</version>
>  <configuration>
>  <directory>src/main/resources/jibx/</directory>
>   <includes>
>    <include>binding.xml</include>
>   </includes>
>   <verbose>true</verbose>
>   <load>false</load>
>   <targetDirectory>target/serverSide</targetDirectory>
>  </configuration>
>  <executions>
>   <execution>
>    <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>      <goals>
>      <goal>bind</goal>
>     </goals>
>   </execution>
>  </executions>
> </plugin>
> ...
> my settings.xml:
> ...
> <repository>
>  <id></id>
>  <name>JiBX repository</name>
>  <url></url>
>  <releases>
>  <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy>
>  </releases>
>  <snapshots>
>  <enabled>false</enabled>
>  </snapshots>
> </repository>
> ...
> Error:
> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute
> goal org.jibx:maven-jibx-plugin:1.2.3:bind (default) on project
> ozwizard_lu_dev: Execution default of goal
> org.jibx:maven-jibx-plugin:1.2.3:bind failed: Plugin
> org.jibx:maven-jibx-plugin:1.2.3 or one of its
> dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be
> resolved: org.eclipse.core:resources:jar:3.3.0-v20070604,
> org.eclipse.core:runtime:jar:3.3.100-v20070530,
> org.eclipse.core:filesystem:jar:1.1.0-v20070606,
> org.eclipse:text:jar:3.3.0-v20070606-0010: Could not
> find artifact org.eclipse.core:resources:jar:3.3.0-v20070604
> Is there any solution for this problem?
> Regards, Tomaz
> S, Don Corley piše:
> > jibx-maven-plugin version 1.2.3 has now been released as a replacement
> for the maven-jibx-plugin plugin.
> >
> > Besides the name change to conform to the maven plugin naming convention,
> there are several changes.
> >
> > The main goal of this project was to simplify the plugin's usage while
> maintaining compatibility with the old plugin.
> >
> > You should be able to replace the plugin name in your projects without
> changing any configuration. You will notice that many of the parameter names
> > have been deprecated and replaced with more descriptive names. The main
> reason for this change was that the code-gen and the bind functions were
> using
> > the same parameter names for different functions.
> >
> > The new documentation is available at
> >
> > For example, for a web-based schema the new plugin configuration can be
> simplified to:
> >
> >             <plugin>
> >                 <groupId>org.jibx</groupId>
> >                 <artifactId>maven-jibx-plugin</artifactId>
> >                 <version>1.2.3</version>
> >
> >                 <executions>
> >                     <execution>
> >                         <goals>
> >                             <goal>schema-codegen</goal>
> >                         </goals>
> >                     </execution>
> >                     <execution>
> >                         <goals>
> >                             <goal>bind</goal>
> >                         </goals>
> >                     </execution>
> >                 </executions>
> >                 <configuration>
> >                     <schemaLocation>
> </schemaLocation>
> >                     <includeSchemas>
> >                         <includeSchema>person.xsd</includeSchema>
> >                     </includeSchemas>
> >                 </configuration>
> >             </plugin>
> >
> > Give it a try!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
> > This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
> > its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
> > solutions.
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > jibx-devs mailing list
> >
> >
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