
To check out the jibx-maven-plugin, you will need to type:
git clone git://jibx.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/jibx/maven-plugin

Sorry, but there is no way to change the default git repo listed by

The problem you may be having could be a reported bug:

You will notice that I included a patch with with this bug. You may want to
apply this patch (to JiBX core code [in the cvs repo]) to see if it works.

Please also note that all of our source code is in the maven repo. If you
are using any IDE such as eclipse, netbeans, etc, you can step right into
our code and see the source code.

To debug in maven, type:

mvnDebug -DforkMode=never install

(connect to port 8000)

If you would like, I can deploy our current development snapshot to maven to
see if this bugfix will solve your problem.

Hope this helps!


Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 21:37:35 +0000
> From: "Wolff, Dave" <davidwo...@letu.edu>
> Hello,
>     I'm having issues with the jibx-maven-plugin ignoring my binding.xml
> files and would like to dig into the source to add some logging and see if I
> can find the root of the problem.  Sadly, I'm having problems cloning the
> repo designated on the
> http://jibx.sourceforge.net/jibx-maven-plugin/source-repository.html page
> at: "git:git://
> jibx.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/jibx/maven-plugin/jibx-maven-plugin"  It
> doesn't work with just a single "git:" on the front of the url either.
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