
I'm so glad you posted this bug. I re-wrote the maven-jibx-plugin to allow
test cases and to try to merge the configuration for the code-gen module.

Your code was very clear and easy to work with. The only problem I had was I
could not figure out how multi-module mode worked. I tried not to touch the
multi-module code, but obviously I messed something up.

Is there any way you can send me a zipped copy of your project... or a
multi-module project that works, so I can fix this?

Also, I have rewritten the multi-module capability in a newer (than
maven-jibx-plugin 1.2.3) replacement plugin. The new plugin is called
jibx-maven-plugin, and the documentation is located at: . The newer plugin can extract
a binding file from a maven artifact and use it in a new binding. This way,
the user doesn't have to build from the parent maven module.

Again, I (tried) not to not to break any of the original functionality, but
obviously I did. I'll get this fixed.

Thanks for any help you can provide,


> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:13:15 -0700
> From: Frank Mena <>
> Subject: [jibx-users] jibx maven plugin breaks between version 1.2.2
>        and     1.2.3
> To:
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi Dennis, long time no speak.  I was the original author of the plugin
> collaborating with Andreas back in 2005.
> Here is my setup:
> project common:    some bindings
> project dbmodel:    some bindings
> project service:      some bindings
> project web:          no bindings, jibx plugin
> Here is the plugin in the web pom:
> <plugin>
>  <groupId>org.jibx</groupId>
>  <artifactId>maven-jibx-plugin</artifactId>
>  <version>${jibx.version}</version>
>  <executions>
>    <execution>
>      <phase>process-classes</phase>
>      <goals>
>        <goal>bind</goal>
>      </goals>
>    </execution>
>  </executions>
>  <configuration>
>    <multimodule>true</multimodule>
>    <directory>src/main/config</directory>
>    <includes>
>      <include>*.jibx.xml</include>
>    </includes>
>  </configuration>
> </plugin>
> This works perfectly with version 1.2.2, but version 1.2.3 says:
> Not running JiBX binding compiler (multi-module mode) - no binding files
> I have tried every combination of changing to restricted mode:
>    <bindingModules>
>      <classPath>com.noledgy.appryse:common</classPath>
>      <classPath>com.noledgy.appryse:dbmodel</classPath>
>      <classPath>com.noledgy.appryse:service</classPath>
>    </bindingModules>
> and the new syntax:
>  <modules>
>    <module>com.example:example1</module>
>    <module>com.example:example2</module>
>  </modules>
> but nothing works.  What's wrong?
> Frank Mena
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