Dear JiBX community.

I want to specify a JiBX binding for a class which is used
to represent lists of integer (int) values, i.e., lists of
primitive types. This class provides a size, a getter (loader),
and a adder method. 

I am using the latest version of JiBX. I have searched my
problem in the mailing list archive but was unable to find
a solution for it there.

Simplified, my class could look like:

public class MyObject {
 public int  size()         {...}
 public int  get(int index) {...}
 public void add(int val)   {...}

The data is neither stored in an array nor in some sort
of Collection class from the java.util package.

I tried some binding similar to:

  <mapping type-name="a:myObject" abstract="true" ordered="true"

    <collection name="myInts" ordered="true" size-method="size"
      load-method="get" add-method="add" />

This leads to the error in the Schema generator
org.jibx.schema.generator.SchemaGen, which also occurs with

Error: add-method add not found in class ...
Error: load-method get not found in class ...

To the collection specification, I can add a 'item-type="int"'.
Then, I get in the Schema generator org.jibx.schema.generator.SchemaGen:

Warning: Handling not implemented for unspecified mapping; on collection 
element at ..
Warning: No type defined for element 'myInts' at (source unknown)

Then, the binding compiler tells me:

Error running binding compiler
*** Error during code generation for file ...
    this may be due to an error in your binding or classpath, or to an error in 
the JiBX code ***
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not cast java.lang.Object to int

I would be very thankful for any suggestion on how this problem
can be solved. OK, I could add a "get" and "add" method which
accepts/provides boxed integers (in java.lang.Integer), but this
would be rather ugly. The add method does some additional computations,
so I really want to use it, so a solution like "use an int[] array"
would also not really be nice.

Is there any way to let JiBX use the collection access methods
for primitive types?

Many thanks,

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