
Wow, that's a lot of questions. Let me see if I can help you.

1. If you run:
mvn compile
The JiBX binding compiler will not run. This is the correct behavior.
Remember JiBX adds byte codes AFTER your code is compiled (in the '
process-classes' phase). Use
mvn package
and you should be okay.

2. If you use standard maven directories, your generated classes should
automatically be included in your jar files. If you are having problems, try
taking a look at some of our examples, here:

3. Yes, there was a bug in multi-module generation:
It has been fixed.

This fixed code will be included in the 1.2.4 release. To use it now, just
check it out of our svn repo and build it:

svn co
cd jibx-maven-plugin
mvn install

Remember to change your plugin name to jibx-maven-plugin (from
maven-jibx-plugin) and update the revision number to 1.2.4-SNAPSHOT.
jibx-maven-plugin is the new plugin name.

If you can't get this to work, email me back and I'll release a bugfix
( version.

Hope this helps!

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