Hi all,

I have a class which looks like this (in abbreviated form):

public class Item
  private AlternateVersions alternateVersions;
  // other fields

  public static class AlternateVersions
    private List<AlternateVersion> alternateVersionList = new

    public List<AlternateVersion> getAlternateVersionList() {
      return alternateVersionList;

    public void setAlternateVersionList(List<AlternateVersion> list) {
      alternateVersionList = list;

    public static class AlternateVersion
      private String id;
      private String title;
      private String binding;

      // getters and setters

I want to use JiBX to serialize the AlternateVersions part of the XML
response. When I call BindingDirectory.getFactory(), I get an "Unable to
access binding information for class Item$AlternateVersions" exception. If
I pass Item.class to the factory instead of AlternateVersions.class, I
ultimately get a ClassCastException: "Item$AlternateVersions cannot be
cast to org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallable". The segment of code in question
looks like this:

  String bindingVersion = version.replace('-', '_');
  Object jibxObject = r.getJibxObject();
  fact = BindingDirectory.getFactory(bindingVersion,
  MarshallingContext context = (MarshallingContext)
  IXMLWriter myStaxWriter = new StAXWriter(fact.getNamespaces(), writer);
  IMarshallable mable = (IMarshallable) jibxObject;

I'm not sure if I need to first create a factory method (as discussed in
the binding tutorial), or what that would look like for this use case.
Since the classes are declared static, do I still need to create a
reference to an enclosing instance? If so, is this related to the problem
described above?

Ryan Schmitt

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