On 1/3/15 2:01 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
This is another update to the module graph, this time it's the
quagmire of the Java Transaction API, a subset of which is defined for
Java SE for mapping of CORBA exceptions to RMI exceptions and for the
XA support in the JDBC API.
The proposal is to create a new module (named java.transaction) that
exports the API package javax.transaction. EE can provide an upgraded
version of this module as they need it. For the source code layout
then this means moving the 3 exceptions that were previously in
java.corba module to the new module. I've used the opportunity to also
move the API package javax.transaction.xa to the jdk repo (Lance - I
hope you are okay with the latter, it's just a bit
cleaner/understandable to have all of java.sql in the one repo).
The webrevs with the proposed changes are here:
Looks good to me. It's good to see javax.transaction.xa moved to the
jdk repo that does make it a bit cleaner and understandable.