Why not use OSGi? Or is that what you mean by a "container"?


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 6:30 AM, Nicolai Parlog <n...@codefx.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
>  Hi!
> There have been a number of threads regarding loading multiple
> versions of the same module. The requirements say:
>         "It is not necessary to support more than one version of a module
> within a single configuration."[1]
> The threads hence usually end like this:
>         "The module system isn't suggesting any solutions, it is instead
> leaving this problem to the build tools and containers."[2]
> I can see how we can use class loaders (and now layers) to load
> multiple versions at runtime. This is essentially what containers do.
> Now I wonder, is there anything a build tool (or a dedicated developer
> for that matter) can do to launch the JVM with multiple versions of
> the same module?
> Running Example:
>         App requires LibA
>         App requires LibB version 2
>         LibA requires LibB version 1
> One way I hoped to do this was to treat both versions as two different
> modules, i.e. renaming them and update the dependencies on them.
>         App requires LibA
>         App requires LibB_v2
>         LibA requires LibB_v1
> This does not work because both modules would export the same
> packages. That's a little disappointing - I hoped it wouldn't matter
> because no module is reading from both versions.
> Since this failed I see no way to solve this aspect of JAR hell
> without containers. Does anybody else seen one?
>  so long ... Nicolai
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/reqs/#multiple-versions
> [2]
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2015-October/004787.ht
> ml
> - --
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