On 10/29/2015 05:59 AM, Martin Lehmann wrote:
Hi all,

I stumbled across the same "issue".

that having multiple versions of the same library isn't a best practice to say 
the least.
Full ACK. Bad practice.

I disagree, actually. I think that this is a completely needless and artificial restriction that arose from implementation decisions, not from a valid requirement.

We have used our ability to ship multiple modules with the same package names to good effect on more than one occasion. As long as a given module doesn't link the conflicting packages, there is no real problem. Even hypothetical issues involving indirect linkage or passing objects back and forth have never really been a problem for us.

I might have an (artifical?) use case where this might lead to some extra 
effort in migration, though:
Let's assume that two libraries D1 and D2 implement the same common API. For 
some historical reason, both libraries *ship* the interfaces classes of that 
common API.
This won't work (easily) without repackaging jar files (even if the common API 
classes would not even differ).

A --requires --> B, C
B --requires --> D1
C --requires --> D2
D1 and D2 both contain the same interfaces. Even if neither B nor C would *not* 
"requires public" D1 / D2, this would not work.

Too artifical? I actually thought of two logging implementations using & 
shipping the common slf4j interface classes.

So we really need disjunct classes in *all* libraries now? Not even, if the redundant 
packages are not even exported (right?). Would it work in the "old" classpath?

I think that judging by whether something would work in an old classpath is a false test. The whole point of modules is to throw off the restrictions and problems of the classpath, after all. I think a better test is, "does this make sense?", and to use your slf4j example - it definitely makes sense, because:

* Modules generally use slf4j as a private API to perform their own logging functions
* Thus slf4j generally never leaks to a module's exported package set
* Thus there's no actual harm in allowing this, and much benefit - especially if B and C (in your example) are not completely under your control (which is inevitable in any nontrivial system)


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