2015-10-30 18:02 GMT+01:00 Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com>:

> JDK-8138878 seems to be JSOM hacking into private field in
> java.awt.Toolkit. It is possible to discuss the issue on awt-dev and
> i18n-dev to see if the changing locale scenario is meant to work?
Yes, this is a hack we found in the Sun bug database as a workaround
to JDK-6292739.
The bug describes the changing locale scenario:

"If you change the default locale at runtime, the text displayed for
accelerator keys doesn't change, e.g. if you start with default locale
Locale.GERMAN an accelerator for "control I", which shows up as "Strg-I",
doesn't change to "Ctrl-I" when changing the Locale to Locale.US."

As JDK-6292739 is classified to "Bug" we assume it is meant to work. If
this bug is resolved we can remove the hack from JOSM.

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