On 14/03/2016 14:56, Paul Benedict wrote:
In the future, is an application server meant to dynamically create a JDK
module from an EE module (EAR, WAR, EJB JAR)? I am not asking anyone to
define a specification; just curious how they are envisioned to interact.

I would assume, that in time, EE will define something like modular WAR or EAR. It might be that there are several modules in the same archive. At run-time then the app server will use the API to create a configuration (essentially the graph of modules for the application) and then instantiate it in the run-time as a module Layer. The app server creating the configuration would provide a ModuleFinder that knows about WARs and EARs, it also gets to control the modules that are overridden, say where a web app uses a different version of a JAX-* API to what the container/app server ships with.


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