
I've been trying to get some mechanisms we (at Google) use in our
Bezel build system to help security specialists guide developers
towards more secure code-patterns and limit the amount of an
application that has to be reviewed to confidently say that a
particular security property holds.

I've written a static dependency scanner that works well enough
(though is unsound in the face of java.lang.reflect and custom
classloaders), and I'm trying to figure out how the same could be done
on top of jigsaw but am having trouble understanding how the pieces
fit together.

Could I bother people to comment on the following.

1. jdeps provides access to the static module dependency graph, so a
build system could be
augmented to provide an artifact that could be later used to check
constraints of the form

"The module graph does not contain any edges from a module not on a
white-list to a sensitive module com.example.unsafe"

and provide error messages crafted by the authors/maintainers of those module.

2. jdeps provides no access to dynamic configurations but could be
used to get a reasonably tight bound on the set of modules that can
dynamically load other modules.
Are there ways for part of a program to observe module loading to
maintain constraints of there form?

3. If one has an instance of a concrete class in hand then one can
reflect over its methods or fields regardless of the module in which
it was defined
>From a particular module, one can only load classes by name that are
available via transitive dependencies of that module.

4. Reflection can still be used to violate constraints like the above
that are based on directly reachable edges, but static reachability
analysis and module graph analysis can still probably give reasonably
tight bounds on the modules that might do so.

5. Embedded scripting languages have access to the transitive
dependencies of the module that defines their interpreter unless
compiled to bytecode and loaded into a module.

Thanks in advance,

If you're interested, here's the use case that I'm trying to satisfy.
Sorry for the wall of text.

A project architect integrates the work of a large development group.
The group includes a large number of application developers, and
smaller teams of specialists.

Sally, a security specialist, produces a carefully crafted API that is
hard to misuse.  Behind this there are a number of package-private
classes that need to be carefully used correctly.  She gets this
closely reviewed by skeptical eyes and tests it thoroughly.

Sally then realizes that large chunks of her work are generally
useful, and the approach is itself extensible.  She thinks about
splitting it into 3 packages
1. org.example which contains the safe APIs,
2. org.example.unsafe which exports the previously package-private
APIs that need to be used carefully
3. com.example which contains code specific to her employer which is
not open-sourced.

Sally now needs to control access to the second package.  She works
with the tech lead to
(details of previously mentioned unsound static dependency scanner elided).
Sally gets requests to approve some third party libraries that build
on org.example.unsafe and reviews them.

Aaron, an app developer with a deadline, stumbles across
org.example.unsafe.  Instead of reading the documentation he uses
Eclipse auto-complete to feel his way to something that seems right.

His code compiles but the module does not validate, so Aaron looks at
his dashboard, sees an error message written by Sally that suggests a
safe API and points to a help forum.  Aaron doesn't quite understand
so he sends a terse email asking for help, and continues his work
disabling validation locally.

Sally responds to Aaron's question.

When Aaron sends off a pull request, the validation failure is flagged
in the review tool.  His reviewer asks him to fix it.  Aaron remembers
seeing a response in his mail, fixes the issue, and submits a pull
request that validates.

Pat the build master puts together a release candidate.  The
application validates and everyone lives happily ever after.

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