> On Jun 16, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I need a Reviewer for a patch is to address two conformance issues.
> One is that the ModuleFinder.of(Path...) javadoc doesn't make it clear that 
> an exception is thrown when a module descriptor cannot be created for an 
> automatic module. As part of this I've changed the implementation to not 
> silently skip services configuration files or contents that don't parse as 
> identifiers. Also a small change to ModuleDescriptor.Builder in preparation 
> for other changes.
> The other issue is that the requires table in the Module attribute for 
> java.base should be empty and should have at least an entry for java.base for 
> other modules.
> The changes are simple, most of the changes are extending the test coverage:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/8159248%2b8158456/webrev/

This looks fine.

ModuleFinder.of spec describes the possible cases where FindException may be 
thrown by a module finder’s find or findAll methods.

It would be useful to have the @throws FindException if an error occurs finding 
all modules in find and findAll methods to link to such description.

As I commented offline, it’d be good to link to the definition of legal package 
name but looks like we need to add that in some appropriate spec before we can 
do that.


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