On 04/07/2016 07:03, Wang Weijun wrote:

I am working on

    JDK-8159528 Deprivilege java.security.jgss, jdk.security.jgss and 

Several questions:

1. How does updating <top>/make/common/Modules.gmk affect an exploded build?
The mappings are used for both exploded and images build so the configuration in this make file is for both.

2. I am using Unsafe in two places, once to rewrite a final filed in clone() 
[1], and another to call unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(KeyTab.class) so that I 
can call a non-public method there [2], but it seems a platform module cannot 
use Unsafe. Is there new ways to do these? What I can do now is 1) make it 
non-final 2) call a method in KeyTab to get it initialized.
Can you say any more on this? When you say "a platform module cannot use Unsafe" then do you mean a compilation error? Are you attempting to use sun.misc.Unsafe without a dependency on jdk.unsupported?

3. I thought I can add something like

grant codeBase "file://${java.home}/modules/java.security.jgss" {
         permission java.security.AllPermission;

into java.policy so I can test with an exploded build. However, I see exceptions on 
("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "accessClassInPackage.sun.security.util") not 
granted. The exception is not thrown when I am testing with an image build. Is there any way I can 
avoid it?

Can you provide the stack trace or better, the output when running with -Djava.security.debug=failure,access.


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