On 05/07/2016 08:00, Malachi de Ælfweald wrote:


Neo4j fails due to internal Sun classes being used:
cannot access class sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl (in module java.base)
because module java.base does not export sun.nio.ch to unnamed module
In this case then I assume the exception has more detail to explain this. This may be a case where a bug needs to be submitted to Neo4j so that the maintainers look at this usage. In the mean-time, then the -XaddExports option can be used a workaround to keep existing versions working as before.

Dagger fails due to the @Generated:
NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/Generated


For the Dagger case, I know it is accepting the '-addmods' argument,
because it gives an error if I use '-J-addmods'.  I also know that it is
accepting "java.annotations.common" because if I change it to javax, it
gives an error.  But it still can't find the class.  I've also tried

Is this the Dagger annotation processor? In that case then you might need `-J-addmods -Jjava.annotations.common` (getting the command line right when there is white space is awkward but we have an update coming that will make this easier).


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