
Some of our new tests are hitting a case where JAR files appear to be kept
open. I am not sure where the issue lies as I can't access some of the
source code involved. I am attaching the stack trace at the end of the
We obtain the ServiceLoader with the following code where _procLoader is a

                        _serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(Processor.class,
                        _serviceLoaderIter = _serviceLoader.iterator();

This code has been like this for quite some time. Is this something recent?
Should we change something in our code? Please let me know if you need more


Thread [main] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 198 in ZipFile))
        owns: URLClassPath  (id=3886)
        JarFile(ZipFile).<init>(File, int, Charset) line: 198
        JarFile(ZipFile).<init>(File, int) line: 147
        JarFile.<init>(File, boolean, int, JarFile$Release) line: 344
        URLClassPath$JarLoader.getJarFile(URL) line: 697
        URLClassPath$JarLoader.access$600(URLClassPath$JarLoader, URL) line:
        URLClassPath$JarLoader$1.run() line: 642
        URLClassPath$JarLoader$1.run() line: 635
        AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>) line: not
available [native method]
        URLClassPath$JarLoader.ensureOpen() line: 634
        URLClassPath$JarLoader.<init>(URL, URLStreamHandler,
HashMap<String,Loader>) line: 609
        URLClassPath$3.run() line: 389
        URLClassPath$3.run() line: 373
        AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction<T>) line: not
available [native method]
        URLClassPath.getLoader(URL) line: 372
        URLClassPath.getLoader(int) line: 349
        URLClassPath.access$000(URLClassPath, int) line: 81
        URLClassPath$1.next() line: 242
        URLClassPath$1.hasMoreElements() line: 253
        URLClassLoader$3$1.run() line: 595
        URLClassLoader$3$1.run() line: 593
AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]
        URLClassLoader$3.next() line: 592
        URLClassLoader$3.hasMoreElements() line: 617 [local variables
        CompoundEnumeration<E>.next() line: 2683
        CompoundEnumeration<E>.hasMoreElements() line: 2692
        ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathIterator.hasNextService() line: 786
$RestrictedIterator<S>).hasNext() line: 527 [local variables unavailable]
        ServiceLoader$2.hasNext() line: 907 [local variables unavailable]
        BatchAnnotationProcessorManager.discoverNextProcessor() line: 155

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