On 07/12/2016 03:25 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 12/07/2016 18:31, Sanne Grinovero wrote:

As a maintainer and contributor to several popular Java open source
libraries my experience is that in practice very few existing
libraries will "just work" in Java 9 out of the box: people will have
to update their code. This is based on my experience, as some of these
projects have dozens of dependencies and it's taking a long time to
identify each problematic point, discuss patches, getting other
communities to release timely, an often there is need for "recursive
releases" and various iterations for each problem as they get
identified, for each dependency.
Going off-topic slightly but when you do run into issues and if they
aren't already listed as compatibility issues then please bring them up.
So far then I think the vast majority of issues that we have heard about
relate to the changes in JEP 220 (tools.jar going away etc), JEP 223 and
the new version-string scheme, the class file version bump in jdk-9+119,
and then all the issues that we have listed in JEP 261. Any help getting
bugs submitted to projects would be appreciated too.

The issue that `public` no longer implies accessible is listed in JEP
261 (first item in the Risks and Assumption) but to be honest, has
barely come up to date. That probably isn't too surprising as it's still
early days for modules and many projects aren't trying out JDK 9 yet.
Anyone trying out modules where a "module unaware" framework gets a
reference to a public type in a non-exported package might run into it
of course but I'm not aware of any reports yet.

Isn't that what this entire thread is about? And also, what the whole #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes issue is about? If not, consider this the official report that dozens if not hundreds of such frameworks are broken under Java 9. I have been bringing it up for many months, and this is a result of testing, not of guesswork.

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