At least someone replied to my question.

On 7/14/16 5:44 AM, Russell Gold wrote:
On Jul 12, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Eric Johnson <> wrote:

What infuriates me is that in all this discussion, I don't see anyone talking about a 
threat analysis. What are we trying to protect, from whom, and why? I see comments about 
how implementation details of the JRE (such as "com.sun" packages) must be 
hidden, but without reference to the threats that cause a problem.
It’s primarily a maintenance issue, IMO. It is common that we provide classes 
and methods that are intended to be used from elsewhere inside a product, but 
which we do not want users to see. That is, it is much the same as the reason 
you use “private” for class internals - if everything is publicly accessible, 
people use it, and you cannot refactor your code without breaking theirs.
If the entire aim is just a maintenance issue, then I assert that compiler changes should be sufficient. At that point, anyone who fires up runtime reflection to work around the compiler gets the benefits and the costs that they deserve. Benefits include the ability to leverage code in the guts of any library or the JRE that the authors decided they didn't want to publish. And they embrace the likelihood that it will break in the future.

I don't feel a huge need to argue about language design. Other people can battle over the contentious issues of what is appropriate for language constructs. That could be module boundaries with metadata, it could be new keywords like "friend", or even package level declarations (more like OSGi). I suspect we'll all adopt to the "best" solution determined by those who want to improve the language.

To make this more concrete, Scala could introduce some kind of scoping mechanism completely unfamiliar to existing Java developers. Few people, if any, would be upset that it was merely a compile-time enforcement, and the runtime didn't enforce the new capability. Same should be true of Java itself. For one possible framing, perhaps I ought to be able to compile a module-based application and yet run it on Java 8 without modification?

So yes, modules for the compiler, if that's what Oracle thinks is best for the language, I can live with it. Need not affect the runtime, though!

However, like I said in my original email, I believe genuine security issues can be found in this quicksand. The JRE has valid reasons to prevent access to implementation details. That reduces the possible attack footprint, and also strengthens the walls of the "sandbox" that Java puts up (more code to tunnel through before getting to the vulnerable chunk). And it seems pretty clear, from the CVEs found <> in the JRE, that these changes should happen regardless of whether or not the runtime has a security manager installed, because it is common enough to run without one. To pick an example from another language, you can't run Ruby without having "taint" support on.

In other words, the Jigsaw runtime change to enforce module boundaries amounts to /always/ running with some sort of security manager. If you frame the implementation that way, though, then it is clear that alternate implementations might be quite valuable - especially in a transition phase from prior versions of Java.

While this discussion is ostensibly about reflection and accessibility, I'm viewing it as really about what kind of security manager is the minimum allowed at runtime.

I applaud Oracle's effort to tackle the unpleasant task of imposing (on us) a mandatory minimum security monitor on the JRE classes. However, to date, Jigsaw is imposing one specific model of mandatory minimum security on all of us, without entertaining alternate solutions. That's what I find enormously frustrating. It is pretty clear to me from the discussions on this mailing list that the one they've enforced so far is the wrong one, at least if Java 9 is going to be adopted widely.

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