On 19/07/2016 22:34, Paul Benedict wrote:
On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com <mailto:alan.bate...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    On 19/07/2016 19:38, Paul Benedict wrote:

        2) Must all modules that could ever be loaded be specified on
        the module
        path? I was hoping to find a hook where I could provide by own
        implementation of ModuleFinder that has all that knowledge
        I think the answer may be Configuration::resolveRequires, but

    Yes, you probably want something like this:

    Configuration parent = Layer.boot().configuration();
    Configuration cf = parent.resolveRequires(ModuleFinder.of(),
    myfinder, Set.of("myroot"));

Alan, was your "yes" to affirming "all modules be on the module path" (thus precluding introducing new ones at runtime) or affirming resolveRequires()?
The latter, resolveRequires is the API that you probably should start with.


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