On 21/07/2016 09:14, Peter Levart wrote:
While it is expected that qualified exports are mostly used among
modules that are more tightly coupled and are therefore more likely
compiled together, some tools that invoke compiler (for example
Maven), have a strategy to compile one module at a time, incrementally
building the artifacts as the dependency tree instructs (because they
must insert other building steps before or after compilation of each
module, such as generating sources, etc...).
So we have a problem here if such tool wants to 1st compile module A
alone and then compile B which has a "requires" dependency on A,
because A also has a qualified "export" dependency on B. An option
like below could enable such separate compilation.
Single module compilation should be fine, assuming the source to the
referenced module is found (-modulesourcepath). We have exactly this
with the JDK build where modules are compiled in reverse topology order.
However, fair point about Maven projects, as qualified exports are going
to be problematic if they are separate projects as opposed to a
multi-module project.