I already explained that ACC_SYNTHETIC and ACC_MANDATED mean different things. A dependence on java.base is never ACC_SYNTHETIC because it is either explicitly declared (no ACC_SYNTHETIC, no ACC_MANDATED) or implicitly declared (no ACC_SYNTHETIC, yes ACC_MANDATED) -- there are no other possibilities.


On 7/28/2016 9:11 AM, Paul Benedict wrote:
Although "java.base" is mandated to be included, it is also inserted
automatically by the compiler. Isn't anything automatically inserted by the
compiler considered synthetic? When I examine the class file, I get
ACC_MANDATED but not ACC_SYNTHETIC for this export. I believe both should
be there.

Furthermore, the user is allowed to explicitly ask for "java.base" to be a
requirement. When this happens, I think ACC_SYNTHETIC should not be


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