On 28/07/16 18:03, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 28/07/2016 16:59, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> when converting the URI to a URL, we'll get that fixed.

Thanks. That's good to know.

> But to your question then the module location is used as the CodeSource:
>      * <p> This URI, when present, is used as the {@linkplain
>      * java.security.CodeSource#getLocation location} value of a {@link
>      * java.security.CodeSource CodeSource} so that a module's classes
> can be
>      * granted specific permissions when loaded by a {@link
>      * java.security.SecureClassLoader SecureClassLoader}.
> and so interesting when running with a security manager and granting the
> module permissions.

Ok, I guess I'll need to look into class SecureClassLoader to see what
might happen to the URL.

> The main user of ModuleReader is class loaders that load
> classes/resources from the modules. ClassLoaders need to implement
> methods such as findResource and findResources will attempt to return a
> URL to resources in modules defined to the ClassLoader. You should see
> your find method invoked for these cases.

Ah, yes of course. However, my ModuleReader is only there to squirt
class bytes into the module on behalf of the agent. So, I doubt the
ModuleReader will ever need to do resource loading.

Thanks you very much for your help.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill, Eric Shander

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