On Nov 1, 2016, at 9:53 AM, David M. Lloyd <david.ll...@redhat.com> wrote:
> 1. It requires the target class to be initialized
> 2. It requires the target class to proactively donate MethodHandles or a 
> Lookup to the lookup class

Both of these can be overcome, though only by privileged code.
The privileged code would forge (uh, "mint") a legitimate Lookup to the 
not-yet-initialized class.
A "Vault" meta-framework doesn't need to inject a Lookup donation statement 
into anybody's <clinit>.
Instead, it needs to do the super-user operation of making a trusted lookup.
It must also fulfill the super-user *responsibility* of not leaking such 
lookups, just using them in a predictable, rule-based manner.
— John

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