> On Nov 1, 2016, at 11:18 PM, Wang Weijun <weijun.w...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 1, 2016, at 11:10 PM, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 01/11/2016 15:02, Wang Weijun wrote:
>>> HTTP Negotiate uses
>>>  Class.forName("sun.net.www.protocol.http.spnego.NegotiatorImpl", true, 
>>> null);
>>> to check if the implementation in java.security.jgss module is provided. It 
>>> looks like this call is throwing a ClassNotFoundException now. Shall I 
>>> export the package to java.base or is there any other trick? I remember 
>>> there used to be an addReads method but seems no one is using it now.
>>> Or I must use a service loader?
>> This is just visibility. The jdk.security.jgss module is defined to the 
>> platform class loader but but you have specified "null" (= bootstrap class 
>> loader) to Class.forName.
> Wow. I changed it to ClassLoaders.platformClassLoader() and it runs.
>> There is an issue in JIRA to track change the HTTP protocol handler to use 
>> services for authentication mechanism, I don't think anyone has had time to 
>> work on that yet.
> So before making this big change, do you think I can make the small change 
> above to make them at least start working?

i forgot i also exported the internal package to java.base. that is ugly.


p.s. have to use only hand so the other hand can grab my daughter.

> Thanks
> Max
>> -Alan.

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