On 04.11.2016 09:12, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 04/11/2016 08:05, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

Since Unsafe was mentioned here... All the ways I did know to get to
Unsafe required reflection on private members. Afaik
#AwkwardStrongEncapsulation will block that. So how can I still use
Unsafe in the future or did it get some "proper" public way to get
hold of an Unsafe by now and I missed that?
I think you are looking for JEP 260 [1]. The critical internal APIs
where it lists the "critical internal APIs" that are not encapsulated in
JDK 9. If you are using the Jigsaw EA builds then look at `java
--list-modules jdk.unsupported` where you'll see that sun.misc (and
sun.reflect) are both exported and open.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260

I see

module jdk.unsupported {

    exports sun.misc;

    exports sun.reflect;

    exports com.sun.nio.file;


That won´t get me access to private fields and constructors in Unsafe with AwkwardStrongEncapsulation, right? So I see exported, but I don´t know what you mean with "open" here. I thought we do not have open modules yet... if we have, I missed the way to declare them and what they now actually do.

bye Jochen

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