On 22/11/2016 10:33, Eirik Bjørsnøs wrote:


So again, I added -J-add-modules=java.xml.bind, and now my annotation
processor is loading.

Given that my annotation processor does require java.xml.bind and I'm using
--processor-module-path, my expectation would be that javac would resolve
that requires for me.

What gives, am I expecting too much?
When you deploy annotation processors on the --processor-module-path then javac needs to resolve the annotation processor modules as part of creating the dynamic configuration. The issue with the dependency on java.xml.bind is that it's not in the boot layer and it's also not observable on the processor module path. There is no support at this time for augmenting the boot layer once it is created, also javac does not attempt to resolve these modules from the original module path and system image that were used to start the VM. So for now at least, running with -J--add-modules=java.xml.bind is the only way to get this to work.


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