Hey Alan,

What about (just coming up with this idea, so most probably not
thought through) using an async-signed agent system. Users would
have to add trusted certificates to their local store (as you do
with apt on Ubuntu for repositories) and agent being signed with a
trusted key would have the same access as before, non trusted ones
minimal access, maybe even no access at all. In this case it is more
secure and has better integrity as you are free to allow some and
not other (same as for the serialization whitelisting) and it is
easier to explain to customers that if you want / expect to use
certain tools in the new sandbox behavior you have to trust them
upfront. I guess everybody is happy to trust a tool coming from a
vendor I already use (and therefore trust).


*Christoph Engelbert
Manager Developer Relations *

Am 4/3/2017 um 5:50 PM schrieb Alan Bateman:
> On 03/04/2017 15:19, Andrew Dinn wrote:
>> :
>> Well, Byteman is definitely in the cross hairs by virtue of both
>> counts
>> if those are the criteria (but I still don't see Byteman as a
>> problem
>> that requires disruption :-)
>> That said, I don't quite follow how your last statement relates
>> to the
>> proposed change. It reads to me as if
>> EnableDynamicAgentLoading=true is
>> intended to stop out of process loading of instrumentation agents
>> like
>> Byteman as well as foil code that hoists an agent into the
>> current JVM
>> process. Have I misread the proposed behaviour? Or have I read it
>> right?
>> (with the corollary, I assume, that here you are you merely
>> setting out
>> what you would prefer to implement in contrast to what you can
>> actually
>> achieve).
>> Also, can you provide a reason why you are so agin agent-hoisting
>> from
>> within a JVM? Is there a reason why it is such a cardinal sin?
> As Mark said, this discussion got off to a bad start. We might
> have to explain the issue again.
> Java SE 9 / JDK 9 brings strong encapsulation. The access control
> for the Java Language and VM has been extended to modules so that
> modules that don't want their internals to be accessed from code
> outside the module can do so. None of the core modules want their
> internals to be accessed so none of the core modules are open or
> open any packages. A consequence of this is that code on the class
> path or module path doesn't get to break in these modules. This is
> really nice but it exposes a lot of technical debt in existing
> code (as we've seen in mails here over the last 18 months).
> If libraries and applications can't break in then what about
> tools? Tools are special, they get the capability to instrument
> almost every class. As you know, their capabilities have been
> expanded in Java SE 9 / JDK 9 as all the tool APIs have been
> updated to support modules. This means they can instrument code in
> modules as well as modify modules to export or open packages to
> other modules.
> Now bring the attach API and late binding agents into the picture.
> This is where things blur and where the problem arises. A library
> can use the attach mechanism to load an agent into the current VM
> and break into any module. It's much easier in JDK 9 compared to
> previous releases because the jdk.attach module is resolved by
> default. All it takes is someone to post a solution on
> stackoverflow that spins a sneaky agent to leak the
> Instrumentation object to the library. It's just too easy to
> "migrate" existing reflection hacks.
> The attach mechanism was of course never intended to be used this
> way. It was meant for troubleshooting tools and profilers/similar
> to load agents into running VMs. Back in the JDK 6 then we did
> consider disallowing attaching to the current VM but didn't
> enforce it - one reason is that it's not hard to just fork a VM
> with tools.jar on the class path and connect back to the parent.
> So that is the context for the discussion. We need to find a good
> way to put the Genie back in its bottle. It may be that we have to
> disable attaching to the current or ancestor VMs. We may have to
> prohibit the instrumentation of core modules by late binding
> agents. We may have to do some disabling of agent loading. Maybe a
> combination. Suggestions and proposals are of course welcome.
> -Alan

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