On 07.04.2017 09:11, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 07/04/2017 00:09, Jochen Theodorou wrote:


so today I found finally _JAVA_OPTIONS to get our gradle build running
and of course I used --permit-illegal-access and I thought I give some
feedback here.

Running a clean test on our build will result in 44531 warning
messages. Of which 6394 are unique. of course some of those warnings
are actually from gradle and some are from xstream, but that makes
maybe 21 less.

Why do we have such a huge amount of warnings? That is because of the
way we are building our meta classes, which we still have to change
and use JDK9 special code (something we tried to avoid)
The implementation makes a best effort to avoid emitting duplicate
warnings. Are these 44531 warnings coming from one run of the VM or is
this the total from many `java` commands run in the build? Another
possibility is code generation. The filtering of duplicates is based on
the perpetrator's call stack and the victim. If Groovy is generating a
lot of classes and the code is say using a shared utility class to hack
in then these usages would not be unique.

both I guess. Many of our tests are in script form, which means they are runtime compiled and executed. The tests are executed in parallel, I guess on my computer it was around 8 parallel running JVMs. Most messages are reported for the same class though, because that is kind of our base class for the meta class initialization process.

Running with -Dsun.reflect.debugModuleAccessChecks=access will give you
a full stack trace at each warning and should help debug this.

yes, will check that soon

bye Jochen

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