On 13/04/2017 08:20, Peter Levart wrote:

...and in addition, that the main class is not even initialized - no user code is executed, right? I think this excludes any java agents and/or custom system class loaders and/or custom security managers specified as command-line options. Perhaps this should be specified explicitly.
If there is custom class loader and custom security manager then they are loaded/initialized before the main class is loaded. Ditto for tool agents specified on the command line or in the manifest as they are also loaded/initialized before the main class.

If the main class has an initializer then it won't normally run. I say "normally" because the custom class loader or an agent could be in cahoots with the main class and cause it to initialize before the launcher invokes the "main" method. My personal view is that this is way too much detail to attempt to capture in the brief description that is the usage message. I think we have to assume that the usage will be read by non-experts. So no issue with adjusting the message to make it clearer but we should limit it to a few lines. Here is the current output:

--dry-run create VM and load main class but do not execute main method.
                  This --dry-run option may be useful for validating the
command-line options such as the module system configuration.

"This --dry-run" should be "The --dry-run" but otherwise it seems a reasonable summary of what this option does.


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