On 13/02/2019 11:14, Oliver Z. wrote:
Can you tell me where i can download the JAXB 2.4 final module? I only found 2.4.0-b... which does not seem to be a final to me.

I also tried to write to that list but i am waiting for approval, which seems pretty long now (maybe the owner is on vacation or so..). Do you know any other mailing list/resource i could contact to get that information? Otherwise i guess i have to go with xstream to not to be blocked for days now.
I think you need to follow up on the Eclipse or Jakarta EE mailing lists about this as JAXB is not maintained here. From what I can tell from the release notes [1],  the Java EE JAXB project released 2.4.0 with changes to fix the issues they had deploying the JAXB runtime on the module path. It was a bit awkward before those changes in that you had to leave the runtime on the class path when running with java.xml.bind on the module path. I have no insight into why the download on the Eclipse site is 2.3.2 rather than the latest.


[1] https://javaee.github.io/jaxb-v2/doc/user-guide/ch02.html#a-2-4-0

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