On 26/12/2020 16:26, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
If the two modules with the same name are in different positions on the module path, the first one will be seen and will completely hide any subsequent occurrences of modules with the same name.

If two modules with the same name are found in the same directory on the module path, such as in differently-named jar files, then that is an error, because neither can be said to have precedence and hide the other.

Just to add to Jon's mail, there detail in in the "Module paths" section of JEP 261 [1] and the API docs of ModuleFinder.of(Path...) [2] which is the API for creating the equivalent of a module path to find modules.


[1] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261#Module-paths
[2] https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/module/ModuleFinder.html#of(java.nio.file.Path...)

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