On 07-Jan-21 20:04, Alan Bateman wrote> [...] The bug in the patcher code results in a
root module that does not require java.base and since they are no other root modules, it means the boot layer doesn't have java.base, oops! But, the java.base has been partly defined to the VM in very early startup and normally the creation of the boot layer will complete the initialization, including setting up exports. [...]

Gotcha. That was the missing piece. Thank you.

Is there a way to debug the early java initialization? I didn't got that working, so had to do it by hand.
The debugger needs the VM to be fully initialized before it can debug Java code. In JVM TI speak this is the "live phase". There are early phases where tooling and agents can get events and do some operations during VM startup but it's not enough for a Java debugger.

Was worth a shot to ask. Thanks.


- Johannes

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